1 month

More than a month ago, I wrote my last post. Honestly, I just forgot about this blog..

Do much stuff happened, and I try to talk about everything in general.

You can see pretty much everything of my year in the US on INSTRAGRAM. My name is : Saaamen1011

I upload a lot of pictures there, almost every day I have a new picture.

soooooo what happend.. 😀

I remember Thanksgiving, it was awesome. I have never had Thanksgiving and it was something new, and I really did enjoy it ! We went to Pittsburgh a couple times, one time we went to my hostsister’s cheerleading competition, she is really good !

And then it was christmas break.. It’s not really a break for me, since swimming winter practice started. Everyday, we have practice from 8-11:30, it is not even comparable with another sport, it is really exhausting and I’m tired every single day !! but you become an awesome swimmer and that’s what counts !!

Then we had christmas, I got a looooooot of presents from the whole family and we had a wonderful christmas, I really felt I’m part of this family ! 🙂 We had christmas pretty much for 3 days, and every single day was great !

I bought a Skiing/Snowboarding season pass !! One of the biggest Ski resorts on the east cost is just 15 minutes away, and I started snowboarding. I LOVE IT. The resort is called Seven Springs and I could be there everyday. Even though I sucked really bad at the beginning, I’m felling really good on the board now and I try to go as often as possible, since I rent a snowboard for the whole season !!

Today is New years eve and I’m laying in my bed right now, we’ll go Snowboarding in 1.5 hours and after that, a bunch of people are comming over to watch the ball drop with me !

On friaday, we#ll go to OHIO to one of the best waterparks called Kalahari. We will go with the swim team and the church group !

The weekend after, I’m probably going to the tctc. It’s a meeting in Tennesee with aaaaa lot of other people and we talk about god, I’m really excited.

On January 18th, I’m going to Atlantic city with my family for a cheer competition, it’s a couple hours away since it’s in New Jersey.

That’s pretty much everything 🙂

I wish everyone a happy new year !!



von chrisgoesusa

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